all jewellery Lwl

blazer Oscar Jacobson

photography Daniel Ersson 

hair & makeup Lovina Dahlberg

Lwl Jewellry

Written by Fashion Tales

Amanda Weibull Laurell was born 1988. Born and raised in Malmö. She has 5 siblings. Her biggest treasure except her work is her daughter Saga, who is 6 years old. Amanda started this business in 2018. When her daughter was only 3 months old. She was passionate and near obsessed with jewelry and precious stones from her early age. One of the biggest achievements in her carrier was creating a custom made jewelry for HRH Princess Sofia, like diamond necklace that she worn at Nobel price awards in 2018. or pair of turquoise handcrafted earrings that Princess worn at Nobel price awards in 2019. Amanda is cooperating with many celebrities today.

What inspired you to pursue a career in jewelry design, and when did you first realize your passion for working with precious stones?
So I actually started my career with jewelry when I was three years old. Ever since I was a kid I was obsessing over my moms jewelry box, and I always wanted to play with her pearls and rubies even though I wasn´t allowed to. My family comes from an academic background with doctors and lawyers, so there was no initative from my parents to push my artistic side or passion for gems and jewelry. In my teens I got an extra job in a jewelry shop where they focused a lot on good quality on stones and handcraftship, here I started to learn the very grounds of manufacturing and handling jewelry and sales.

Could you tell us about your biggest accomplishment as a jewelry designer so far, and what made it so special?
Oh, there is a lot of different and big high lights I think. Just to be able financially to create my very first own collection is one of them. Another one, of course was for me to create the first pearl necklace for HRH Princess Sofia that she wore at the Nobel Price awards in 2018. That was very special to me.

What is your creative process like when designing a new piece of jewelry, and how do you come up with the ideas for your designs?
The process is very different for me and changes from time to time.Very often I get inspired me when I met a client, a female that actually needs help to style the jewelry she already has. To add a ring or to create something new from the stones she already has can create happiness and a new look for her and that really inspires me. I get inspired by women by all over the world and try to create jewlery that’s easy to wear and style at all occasions, if it´s for a rainy Tuesday or for a big cocktailparty.

How did you feel when you were commissioned to create custom jewelry pieces for HRH Princess Sofia, and what was the design process like for these pieces?
It was a great, great honour for me to be able to help and create something that fits with the very official and royal look that Nobel Prize awards is. It both needs to be classic and fit with the rest of the old jewelry.Very often the starting point is the actual dress the person is wearing and we work from that. When I saw the necklace at the first time on her on TV I started to cry.

What are some of the challenges that you face as a jewelry designer, and how do you overcome them?
The biggest challenge is to show and explain all the functionalites that the pieces have. For example we have one ring that can be worn as a bracelet and an earring.

Can you tell us about any exciting projects or collaborations that you have in the works, and what we can expect to see from you in the future? 
So we have a new very collection called “the CLICK”. It´s a ring where you can build it. You can mix and match different gem colours and gold metals, and change the look on the same ring after your wishes. Some of the gold parts you can also wear as a pendant, bracelet and earring I´m beyond proud and excited for this collection. We have a big event before the ELLE STYLE AWARDS nomination party in April that is going to be super cool. And we have a lot of upcoming collaborations, but they are still a secret until they are being launched.

top Zara
shirt Zara

photography Daniel Ersson

hair & makeup Lovina Dahlberg

stylist Emma Glennow

post production Jim Widgern

photo assistant Matilda Lundin




There’s nothing to see here.
