Full name: Motofumi “Poggy” Kogi 

Born: Dec. 31, 1976 
Lives in: Tokyo 
Occupation: Director at UNITED ARROWS & SONS

An interview with Poggy

Written by Michaela Widergren

MM: Why the nickname “Poggy”?

POGGY: My last name is “Kogi”, and a friend of mine misheard it. It comes from Toppogi (Korean food) and became Poggy.

MM: Are you able to work with your own personal style through United Arrows & Sons in some ways?  

POGGY: I call the style of classic-street mix “sartorial street style”. At the store we are showing the style by mixing brands. Like classic style brand and street brands.

MM: Are you as well know in Europa as in Japan?

POGGY: I don’t know…

MM: What to do you think it is about your style that people like? 

POGGY: Usually I have business (formal) meetings during day time and often attend events (street style) at night. Compare to overseas, we don’t have a custom to change before night out in Japan. My current style has come from daily routine. I can say that the style is my life itself. So it’s nice to hear that people like my style.

MM: What is your favorite place in Tokyo? 

POGGY: Little Soul Cafe in Shimokitazawa and Piano Bar in Shibuya.

MM: What is your favorite place in the world?

POGGY: Summer time, specially night time - Firenze.

MM: Have you ever been to Stockholm? 

POGGY: I haven’t been to Stockholm yet. I’ve been to Copenhagen twice. 

MM: Do you think Scandinavians dress well? 

POGGY: I have the image of Scandinavians being stylish.

MM: Who is your ultimate style icon?

POGGY: I have been influenced by Hiroshi Fujiwara and NIGO, the legends of Ura-Hara Culture. And founding members of UNITED ARROWS; I learned traditional style from them. And others, Malcolm Robert Andrew McLaren and Shawn Stussy. For me, people who are strongly related to culture and also wear jackets and suits are so inspiring.


photography by JÖRGEN AXELVALL

coordinator  KEITH S. WASHINGTON


