Ellen is an fashion photographer and aesthetic-by-heart who since her teenage years have’d an interest within the fashion, design and art sector. While studying Ethical Fashion Design she successively realized that her dream to become a Fashion Designer no longer existed. In the end it was never about designing clothes. The most and actually only important factor was to have a tool to convert her visualizations into something physical.
After her graduation she chose the path to become a fashion photographer since documentation was the most suitable tool for her to express herself.
”I choose photography because of the possibilities in converting ideas and expressing my aesthetic. But also because of the get-out-process. When exploring the people, industry and life in the process meanwhile you’re doing your job. For me, everything changes to the better.”
As a fashion photographer she likes to work with a more uncommercial niche. She documents with both digital and analog techniques because she finds it very charming to combine mixed medias.
Ellen is born in 1999 and currently based in southern Sweden and Copenhagen.
There’s nothing to see here.