Image courtsey CFHILL

Art Week

Written by Art & Culture

This year's edition of Stockholm Art Week takes place between May 9th-14th. The purpose is to unite Stockholm's art scene and highlight Stockholm as a vibrant art city and Sweden as an art destination. The city's museums, institutions, galleries, and other actors in the art industry come together during this week.

On Tuesday, May 9th, at 5:00 pm, the Stockholm Art Week will be inaugurated by Minister of Culture Parisa Liljestrand. The inauguration takes place at Hospitalet, with Stefan Hagdahl, head of Stockholm Konst, and Joanna Sundström, head and initiator of Stockholm Art Week, also in attendance.

“Without art, we go crazy, and I am convinced that art and culture are needed for an open, curious, and functioning society.” - Joanna Sundström

The Nordic region's leading contemporary art fair, Market Art Fair, takes place at Liljevalchs and expands its exhibition area to Spritmuseum. Across the water, the Supermarket art fair flexes its muscles and moves into Stadshusterminalen. Moderna Museet has a vernissage for Monica Sjöö, while Carl Elds Ateljémuseum opens its summer exhibition with Ingela Ihrman.

Among the galleries, we see vernissages with Jim Torell at Loyal Gallery and with Sarah Crowner at Nordenhake. CFHILL opens the exhibition “Have a Nice Day,” curated by Sophie Mörner from Company Gallery, as well as a solo exhibition with A KASSEN. On Saturday, the galleries of Östermalm, Andréhn-Schiptjenko, Saskia Neuman Gallery, Odem Atelier, Carling Dalenson Gallery, Public Service, and Galleri Glas invite guests to breakfast viewings. Galleri Sebastian Schildt has a vernissage for its group exhibition “L'heure Bleue” and offers several artist talks.

The artist initiative Black Iris moves into Castellum's premises in the old Gasverket on Torsgatan and arranges the exhibition “Explosive Vison.” A “home exhibition” is shown at stockholmmodern with Lotta Antonsson. Svenska Brasserier sets up vernissages at almost all of its restaurants. At Alma, the Danish gallery V1 Gallery opens an exhibition with Lulu Kaalund as well as Fredrik Nystrup & Oliver Sundqvist.

This is a selection from the week. The calendar in its entirety can be found on the Stockholm Art Week website and is continuously updated.

Stockholm Art Week is a non-profit association, and this year's partners who make the week possible are Castellum, Soho House, Alma, Champagne Deutz, Porsche, ISH, ArtMove, and Transart

Image courtsey Sebastian Schildt
Image courtsey Sanna Fried
Image courtsey Färgfabriken
Image courtsey Riche Fenix




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