Amika Hydro Rush Intense Moisture Leave-In Conditioner &

Un.Done Volume Texture Spray

Matrix A Curl Can Dream Gel mixed with GOLD Curl Cream

total look Beatrice Stenmark / Swedish School of Textiles






















photography Sandra Myhrberg
hair Ari Koponen / HeadBrands

Odalisque x Headbrands

by Sandra Myhrberg

GOLD Ten In One, Sea Water Cream, Firm Hair Spray

total look Freja Seihine / Swedish School of Textiles

Amika Hydro Rush Intense Moisture Leave-In Conditioner &

Un.Done Volume Texture Spray

Matrix A Curl Can Dream Gel mixed with GOLD Curl Cream

total look Beatrice Stenmark / Swedish School of Textiles

Inna wears

Amika Hydro Rush Intense Moisture Leave-In Conditioner

GOLD Sea Water Cream, Diamond Barber Original Pomade & Firm Hair Spray

total look Ebba Hedlund / Swedish School of Textiles

Ilhan wears

Amika Hydro Rush Intense Moisture Leave-In Conditioner,

Curl Corps Defining Cream & Fluxus Touchable Hair ´%Spray

total look Elin Westling / Swedish School of Textiles

Amika Hydro Rush Intense Moisture Leave-In Conditioner &

Un.Done Volume Texture Spray

Matrix A Curl Can Dream Gel mixed with GOLD Curl Cream

total look Elmina Ekman / Swedish School of Textiles
total look Elin Arvidsson / Swedish School of Textiles

Amika Brooklyn Bombshell Blowout Volume Spray

GOLD Fairy Dust, Firm Hair Spray & Dry Hair Spray

GOLD Ten In One & Silky Drops mixed with Matrix A Curl Can Dream Gel

dry the hair with Dyson Diffuser and finish off with GOLD Shine Mist

total look Freja Seihine / Swedish School of Textiles

GOLD Ten In One, Fairy Dust & Firm Hair Spray

Amika Brooklyn Bombshell Blowout Volume Spray

total look Linn Stooss / Swedish School of Textiles

Amika Hydro Rush Intense Moisture Leave-In Conditioner

GOLD Sea Water Cream, Diamond Barber Original Pomade & Firm Hair Spray

total look Linnea Dahl / Swedish School of Textiles

Ilhan wears

GOLD Ten In One, Silky Drops mixed with Matrix A Curl Can Dream Gel

dry the hair with Dyson Diffuser and finish off with GOLD Shine Mist

Inna wears

GOLD Ten In One, Fairy Dust, Firm Hair Spray & Shine Mist

Amika Brooklyn Bombshell Blowout Volume Spray

 total looks Louise Linderoth / Swedish School of Textiles

Amika Brooklyn Bombshell Blowout Volume Spray

GOLD Fairy Dust, Firm Hair Spray & Dry Hair Spray

total look Freja Seihine / Swedish School of Textiles

photography Sandra Myhrberg
hair Ari Koponen / HeadBrands

fashion Ulrika Lindqvist
makeup Elva Ahlbin
models Ilhan / The Wonders & Inna / MIKAs
assistants Alicia Hurst & Paloma Gonzalez Axeheim

special thanks to Swedish School of Textiles & China Li
all shoes & stockings Stylist’s Own

